Graduation Ceremony


Congratulations Graduates!

Fall 2023 Graduation



Friday, December 8, 2023

7 p.m.


General Information

For general information regarding the ceremony please view the various menu options below.


Credit Union of Texas (CUTX) Event Center is located at 200 E Stacy Road #1350, Allen, TX 75002. 了解到CUTX活动中心的方向.

Parking at CUTX Event Center is available in the South Parking Garage and is free. Parking is not permitted in the uncovered retail parking lots surrounding the event center. 

毕业生应于下午五点半到达报到.m. and enter the building using the North Entrance.

客人可以在下午5:30开始到达.m. 从正门进入 the west side.

Guest Tickets

出席仪式的客人不需要门票. We ask that graduates 将受邀客人的数量限制在最多四人. Seating for guests is on 先到先得,没有指定或预留座位.

学生可选择透过 Herff Jones.

Seating/Hearing Accommodations

Graduates, if you need seating accommodations (ex: wheelchair access) and you have 尚未通知2022世界杯买球盘口毕业团队,请发送电子邮件至 to make arrangements.

Accessible seating for guests will be available on the second floor of the Event Center. An elevator is located next to the guest entrance which can be used for easy access to these reserved seats. 需要无障碍座位的客人将被允许进入 have one family member sit with them, but all other guests in the party will need 坐在一般的座位区.

Sign language interpreters will be signing throughout the ceremony for guests with hearing impairments. 114区是为那些需要在视线范围内的人保留的 of the ASL interpreters. 

Bag Policy

CUTX Event Center has a 明确的包和小离合器政策 in place that is designed to enhance your safety and allow for quick and easy access to the facility. 

Other prohibited items include: outside food or beverages, balloons, confetti, noisemakers, 婴儿车、武器和动物(服务性动物除外).
请查看CUTX活动中心的网站 full list of prohibited items. *Please note: CUTX Event Center is permitting guests to bring in flowers for the 毕业典礼是他们政策的例外.


毕业典礼上不颁发文凭. 毕业生将获得纪念文凭 cover when they cross the stage.

Prior semester graduates have been mailed their diplomas with the exception of those 谁对他们的帐户有保留或限制.

Fall 2023 candidates for graduation will be reviewed for final degree and certificate requirements after final grades have been submitted, and those who have completed 所有符合要求的学生都将获得学历证书. Diplomas will then be 学期结束后大约6-8周寄出.

Graduation Regalia

Graduation regalia is formal clothing worn by graduates and includes the cap, gown, and other distinguishing hoods, stoles, and cords that denote traditions of academic achievement. 查看下面的信息,了解更多2022世界杯买球盘口在哪里获得你的徽章, 如何佩戴,以及帽子装饰的规则.

Graduate Regalia

Graduates must wear the college-approved cap and gown available for purchase at our campus bookstores. 毕业生被要求在不改变外表的情况下佩戴王权 或者在礼服上附加任何东西.

Graduates who have earned an honor cord through academic achievement (graduation with a cumulative GPA of 3.5或以上)将在办理登机手续时配发一根绳子.

Honor Society Regalia

Graduates who are members of an approved honor society may purchase regalia (cords, 直接从组织偷(奖章). The approved list of societies include: Phi Theta Kappa, Psi Beta, National Technical Honor Society, Sigma Kappa, and Kappa Delta Pi.


Caps are worn so the mortarboard is flat on top of the head, parallel to the floor, and not tilted to any side. 帽子的内部显示哪一面是正面和 back, and typically the front is the side with the point and will be worn with the 额头中间的点. 流苏要戴在右边.

我们鼓励毕业生装饰和个性化他们的帽子. Decorations should 平躺在舷板上,不要挂在舷侧. No profanity or explicit images will be permitted. 如果装饰被认为不合适,学院工作人员可能会询问 你得摘下帽子,从书店买一顶新的.

Graduate Check-In

毕业生应该在下午五点半开始到校.m. for check-in. All graduates should be checked in no later than 6:30 p.m.,所以2022世界杯买球盘口毕业团队可以保证 all students are lined up properly in alphabetical order before the ceremony processional begins.

迟到的毕业生,下午6点半以后.m.,将放在毕业的最后 行和将不按字母顺序排列.

晚到的毕业生,晚上7点以后.m.,将被要求等到游行 is over and will be escorted into the arena and seated on the back row by a Collin College volunteer.

抵达后,您将被引导到登记台领取您的名片. DO NOT LOSE THIS CARD as it will be used to line you up in alphabetical order before the ceremony begins. This card will also be used by the name reader to announce your name when you walk across the stage.



The commencement ceremony can be broken up into three major parts and we anticipate 仪式将持续两个小时. 毕业生报到是毕业典礼前的一部分 process.  在典礼上有游行,毕业致辞,名字 读书,最后退场. 详细信息见下文 about each part of the ceremony.


The processional is the start of the ceremony when everyone marches into the arena 以正式而有秩序的方式坐在自己适当的座位上.

仪式将于晚上7点准时开始.m.,以及我们的董事会和执行委员会 Leadership team will lead the processional into the arena, with Line Marshals following 在所有毕业生中遥遥领先.

Line Marshals will bring you to your row so you can be seated in alphabetical order. The processional is simply follow-the-leader, so you will just need to make sure you 在被引导到你的那一排和座位之前,请排队等候.

During the Ceremony

The beginning of the ceremony will include messages from Collin College’s District President Dr. 尼尔·马特金,董事会主席,我们的演讲嘉宾.  After the speeches, graduates will be led to the stage to have their names called while they cross the stage.

When it is your turn, Line Marshals will prompt your row to stand up and will lead you to the front of the arena. 你将有你的照片(见下文) more information on these photographs) and then will make your way up a ramp to the stage.

College staff will help make sure your regalia is in order and you look great before you cross the stage. 他们还会确保你拿着你的名片,以便 它可以交给读名字的人.

When it is your turn to walk across the stage, the name reader will announce your name, you will be handed a Collin College diploma cover, and you will continue walking 走到舞台中间,走下楼梯. 

Line Marshals will then lead you back to your seat where you will stay for the remainder of the ceremony. 如果你需要行动辅助或不能走下楼梯,请 提前通知一线法警,这样他们就能把你带回坡道.

After the Ceremony

Once all graduates have crossed the stage, the ceremony will be concluded with an exciting surprise. 如果噪音对你有刺激作用,请和线警谈谈 提前准备,以便安排住宿.

After the ceremony ends, Line Marshals will lead you in a recessional out of the arena. 你可以在活动中心外与家人团聚.

All graduates and guests will be asked to exit the event center where you can take photographs, talk with your family and friends, or visit one of the many restaurants nearby to celebrate. 一旦你离开大楼,你就不能再进去了, so you will need to make sure you have all your belongings with you as you exit.

Graduate Do’s/Don’ts

DO: Bring your regalia with you to the ceremony, including your gown, cap, tassel, and 任何从荣誉协会或其他官方组织的绳索或赃物. Extra regalia 将不能出席典礼吗!

DO穿漂亮的衣服和舒适的鞋子. 建议穿系扣衬衫, 打领带,深色裤子,裙子,深色鞋子,少戴首饰.

DO: Bring your cellphone so you can coordinate with your guests after the ceremony.

DON’T在婚礼上要把手机拿出来. 你的手机应该留在口袋里 或者在婚礼上藏起来.

DON’T:携带活动中心规定的任何物品 Bag Policy or on their prohibited items list.

DON’T请随身携带任何不能藏在长袍下的物品. If you need to bring a small purse we suggest it is a cross-body purse that can easily be hidden under your gown. 如果你不能把东西藏起来,你就需要把它留在里面 of your guests or in your car.

DON’T: Leave any items unattended. 2022世界杯买球盘口和CUTX活动中心不负责 对于您的物品,我们不负责任何丢失或被盗的物品.


Ceremony Video


The ceremony will be livestreamed for friends and family that are unable to attend the ceremony. 请在活动当天访问2022世界杯买球盘口的主页 the link to the livestream.

Published Video

仪式视频将上传到 2022世界杯买球盘口的YouTube频道 for viewing by the public.

 Ceremony Photography

Professional Photographs

Flash Photography will be taking two professional photographs of each graduate during 该仪式将可购买. You will have an opportunity on your name card to provide your personal email address, which will be used to send 你的婚礼照片证明.

Every graduate will be mailed and emailed proofs within 10 days of the ceremony. If you have not received your proofs within that time frame, please contact Flash Photography directly at:

Questions? Email


Graduation Collage